Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bathroom Review: Sodus Towel-hall

There are a few rules when it comes to sorting the good bathrooms from the bad bathrooms. One of those rules are towels.

It doesn't matter how much you scrub your hands if you rub them in a germ-infested towel right afterward. That's why there are paper towels, hand-dryers, ect. Well this happened:

Yes, that is a cotton towel in a public bathroom. A public bathroom in a public building. The Sodus Townhall. We were working on an overlay in the Sodus township and the townhall was the only building open in the area open to the public.

There is so much wrong with this. The towel wasn't fresh-looking or clean. I have no idea who's touched it or how long it's been there. I ended up having to wipe my hands on toilet paper since my pants were covered in pollen and seeds from all the stuff in the bushes.

The bathroom was also oddly huge. It was about the size of a bathroom that would have two stalls, but it's like they decided that they didn't need that much of a plumbing bill.

Anyway here's the breakdown:
Pros: Only bathroom around, friendly receptionist lady, running water, natural light from window (oh yeah, there was a window that was normal-sized, is that okay???)
Cons: A dirty towel, must talk to someone to get to it, must grab handle of the door to open it, and yellow water when you flushed so the bowl was stained yellow

Good Bathroom? No.

(Visited June 26th, 2013)

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