Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rainy Aftermath

So on the new project I'm working on, we are doing tons of drainage stuff and well, rain is not good.

This is supposed to be a check dam and the water isn't supposed to be flowing.... oops. This caused for flooding in a different part of the project. Serious problems on this site.

Taken Wednesday August 7th.

Dangerous Weather

On Wednesday, our dirt work operations were stopped due to the rain. Then, as you'll see in the video, our crane work was stopped due to lightning.

(And yes, that was a seriously lucky shot. I was just recording rain and bam!)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Clouds Behind Four Winds' Tower

Even while doing something as boring as measuring pavement markings, it's important to look at the world around you.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Big Hole

This hole is really big. The engineer that designed to keep all the soil and sand out didn't anticpate this much weight though and... well... the steel started to buckle. All work had to stop, and people were fleeing. Not much work can get done when workers refuse to go where they need to do the work.

They could legit die if just one panel was to break. Each panel is 1/2 inch of steel.

Monday, August 5, 2013


This makes my inner nerd surface!

A excavator lifting an excavator (well... technically it's a backhoe, but it excavates... so...)

A W E S O M E!!