Friday, July 19, 2013


I love counterweights. I was enamored when I saw the big boom under the bridge. I stared and stared at how it was possible that such a small machine held the weight of an entire hydraulic scaffold under half the length of a bridge. It was so heavy, and yet it moved on it's own power! I wish I had pictures. It was marvelous.

Today, another awesome machine was used on site. It took probably 30 minutes just to set up, but I watched this crane travel on the highway and transform into a beautiful weight-lifting marvel.

It's lifted off of the ground. I wish I understood completely the mechanics to why it needed to be lifted off the ground. How it is possible that those four pillars are suspending it and all the weight? I kept wondering why they put down those metal squares (which, what are those made of?) and I know see it's to distribute the weight. Gahhhh does my college offer a course in just hydrallics and counterweight systems?!

I wish I had footage of the entire pipe installation process using the crane, but alas, I would be deemed weird. Some of the goodies of construction will be kept in my eyes only.

(This was taken when the boom was raised from parallel with the ground to in the air, right as the machine starts to set up.)

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